
The Teaching and Learning Excellence Center (TLEC) has developed a redesigned development program for faculty and teaching assistants which incorporates best practices while optimizing resources and time, as well as ensuring flexibility. The new program blends self-access online learning with experiential in-person workshops in TBL style to provide you with a more flexible, engaging, and effective professional development experience. As excellent teaching is a skill which cannot be assessed by knowledge checks alone, your success in the program will be demonstrated through a portfolio which is reviewed by a peer before receiving non-evaluative feedback by TLEC. The use of badging and certificates will help you keep track of your completion and proudly showcase your achievement on LinkedIn or other social networks.

Intended Learning Outcomes

After completing the teaching & learning development program, participants will be able to:  

  • Design courses with syllabi, course materials, and assessments that align with learning outcomes
  • Create and modify course materials and teaching approaches based on student feedback, observation, and self-reflection to continuously improve the learning experience
  • Integrate principles of active learning, assessment, and feedback to create a cohesive and engaging student learning experience
  • Design courses with syllabi, course materials, and assessments that align with learning outcomes
  • Evaluate the usefulness of educational technologies, including Canvas LMS and generative AI tools, to enhance learning experiences
  • Experiment with a range of generative AI tools with basic prompts to support teaching and learning activities ethically and responsibly
  • Create a supportive and inclusive learning environment that encourages diverse perspectives and accommodates different learning needs, including learners with disability or learning difference
  • Develop formative and summative assessments and provide constructive feedback to students following best practices
  • Provide constructive feedback on peers’ portfolios of learning

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Program Model

Program Model

Through a blended model, online and in-person learning will be integrated. You can complete online content at your own pace before each workshop. Workshops build upon the online content through applied practice and feedback, resulting in shorter and more impactful face-to-face sessions. With this new model, face-to-face sessions are more efficient which means workshops will be held multiple times for more flexibility. Finally, embedded communities of practice will help you to continue developing your teaching skills after joining VinUniversity

Online Components

  • Self-paced modules covering core content through readings and videos.
  • Interactive activities and quizzes to reinforce key concepts.
  • Social interaction including embedded discussion forums, Padlets, collaborative docs, and other social learning activities.

Face-to-Face Workshops

  • Most face-to-face workshops will be in Team-Based Learning (TBL) format to actively apply learning and skills. This will also promote the use of TBL as an active learning pedagogy
  • Opportunities for individualized feedback and coaching.
  • Efficient. Combine multiple training modules into each workshop to combine concepts

Program Features

Active learning

Face-to-face workshops will be done in Team-Based Learning (TBL) to help you actively apply the online content that you have learned. This will also help you experience TBL as a learner and get a deeper understanding of how this methodology works..

Modular and flexible

Not all faculty have the same needs. New faculty will have different needs than current faculty, as will adjuncts, clinical faculty, and teaching assistants. The new program has various themed modules with different compulsory content for each participant group. All content is available for all participants on an optional basis if you wish to go beyond the compulsory content

Portfolio assessment

Achievement of learning outcomes will be demonstrated through a portfolio which demonstrates your learning and mastery of the program’s concepts, rather than traditional knowledge checks like quizzes. You will have one semester to gather examples for your portfolio, after which you will work with a colleague to give and receive feedback on each other’s portfolio. Finally, TLEC will provide constructive feedback on your portfolio. Portfolios are not graded – only full completion of the portfolio is required to demonstrate satisfactory completion of the program.


Videos are a core part of the training materials. Whenever possible, in-house produced videos from VinUniversity will be used to be localized. Videos will be short - ideally less than 10 minutes per video – to help you stay focused and keep training engaging


By providing much of the content online for self-paced learning, you will spend less time in intensive face-to-face sessions while still ensuring the application of knowledge through targeted workshops


E-learning activities will have various activities and social interaction embedded to make learning more engaging for you and share ideas with your fellow colleagues.

Program Assessment

Meet the learning outcomes through a combination of:

  • Formative knowledge checks during modules
  • Attendance and participation in face-to-face workshops
  • Reflections at the end of modules
  • Completion of required content in online modules

plus a PORTFOLIO at the end of your first teaching semester, comprising: 

  • Course materials (syllabus, Canvas shell, one major assessment instructions/guidelines/rubric) showcasing effective course design, alignment with learning outcomes, and promotion of academic integrity practices
  • Example(s) of constructive written or multimedia feedback provided on student work
  • A brief video recording (approx. 10-15 minutes) of you facilitating a lesson with active learning techniques
  • Example(s) of some educational technologies that you used to enhance learning

Resources for Teaching Portfolio

Your portfolio will first be reviewed by a peer (chosen by the participant) who will offer constructive feedback. Upon revision, you will submit your portfolio to TLEC for private, non-evaluative feedback. The portfolio will be graded on a Complete / Incomplete basis. For any Incomplete submissions, the participant will have an opportunity to re-submit based on the feedback provided. The portfolios and feedback will be kept confidential and only used by TLEC for constructive feedback and confirmation of completion

Diversified Methods for Feedback

Pulse check, mid-course and end-of-course surveys for timely & continuous feedback

Throughout the training program, you will have opportunities to share feedback on the content and delivery of training content. Optional short pulse check surveys will be included at the end of each module and there will be an anonymous mid-course and end-of-course evaluation system for you to provide feedback. Since this is the first iteration of the renovated program, your feedback is critical for us to continually improve the quality of the program.

Progress Tracking and Certification

The program uses certificates in the Learning Management System to help you keep track of your progress and encourage you to complete all modules. Certificates will automatically be generated when you complete all requirements, allowing you to proudly showcase your achievement on LinkedIn and social platforms.

Self-paced Online Modules

Modular Pathways

The core competencies program covers essential aspects of teaching and learning to help you engage VinUniversity students in active, experiential learning. The core program consists of ten modules:

Course Design

Develop your course with clear learning outcomes, alignment, and a well-designed syllabus.

Active Learning

Learn a range of methodologies and techniques to get students engaged in deeper learning.

Acad. Integrity

Understand VinUniversity's approach to identifying and addressing plagiarism and 'AIgiarism'.


Explore various assessment types, grading systems, and best practices in test design and evaluation.


Apply effective feedback principles using written, multimedia, and peer methods in Canvas LMS.

Student Engagement

Enhance student motivation through rapport-building, discussion facilitation, and classroom management.

Inclusive Teaching

Creating accessible and culturally responsive learning environments using Universal Design principles.

Canvas LMS

Master key Canvas features for comprehensive course management and student interaction.

Educational Technology

Utilize VinUniversity's tech resources and integrate various digital tools to enhance learning.

Generative AI

Understand the impact of AI on education, address ethical concerns, and integrate AI literacy into curricula
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In-person workshops

The face-to-face workshops are designed to be dynamic, interactive, and essential for your professional growth. These sessions are a mandatory part of our teaching and learning development program, requiring full attendance to ensure you gain the most from this experience.

Enhancing Student Engagement through Active Learning

Leveraging Canvas LMS for Enhanced Teaching and Learning

Embracing Generative AI in Higher Education

Navigating Academic Integrity in the Age of AI

Mastering Feedback and Assessment in Higher Education